
Project Details

  • Release date: June-2017

  • Abstract :
    Augmented Reality based menu card, visualization before eating will enhance choices and customer satisfaction.

    My Responsibilities:

    As a Creative Director, my responsibilities were:

  • Food Model development using Photogrammetry
  • To monitor post shoot texture and model cleaning and polishing
  • Food model integration in application
  • Model Optimization to run smoothly on mobile devices
  • Look development in engine

  • Techinical Details:

  • Game Engine: Unity3D
  • Programming Language: C#
  • Agisoft Photoscan tool for photogrammetry
  • Substance painter for polishing textures
  • Vuforia Augmented Reality

  • Other Project Details:

    ExperienceM is complete product form Menu to order taking. ExperienceM can increase clientele through a better customer experience. It provides familiarity to user about new, special and unique Items.

    Customer can check the product details such as Ingredients, spiciness and serving time etc. ExperienceM will surely enhances the place’s ambience. This kind of technology is not available in any restaurant at Pakistan so far.