The Springers (VR)

Project Details

  • Released date : March-2017
  • Submission page : The Springers (VR) submission

  • Abstract :
    A VR action game developed for UE4 jam, with colleagues with 3 days on the theme ‘Spring into action’ in Spring 2017.

    My Responsibilities:

    To develop the gameplay mechanics and integrate artwork with technical team was my main task.

  • Grappling hook and laser gun mechanic
  • Object pick and drop
  • Integrating characters and animations

  • Techinical Details:

  • Game Engine: Unreal Engine 4
  • Sequencer to trigger events
  • Physics based object interaction
  • Particles and SFX integration

  • Other Project Details:

    A VR First-Person Action Shooter game, developed on Unreal Engine for UE4 Spring 2017 GameJam , within 3 day deadline. Player has grappling hook and a gun to perform task to progress.

    Springers is a blend of Sci-Fi and western theme, player having good time in bar, having a beer and relaxing. Suddenly a series of events happen, where the player has to solve the puzzles and progress. Precise use of Grappling hook and the laser gun is the only way out.